About us

PSF Americas is a ministry of The Redeemed Christian Church of God in North America.


Our mission is to reach out to pastors’ children in North, South, Central, Pacific America and the Caribbean and its surroundings.


Our vision is to “Identify Who We Are” physically, emotionally, spiritually, materially, career wise, and to do it all in Godliness.

From Royal Priesthood to PSF Americas

Pastor's Seeds Family - The Americas which was formerly called 'Royal Priesthood' is a ministry of The Redeemed Christian Of God (RCCG) in North America. It is the fellowship of the Seeds (Children) of Pastors And Ministers In RCCG. This does not limit our reach as we welcome and encourage association with other Bible-Believing Ministries.

Goals & Objectives

PSF Americas Branches

Other PSF Branches

contact us

Reach out to us For General Queries, Including Prayer Request And Donations.